
Resources Icon

For your convenience below are links to several useful financial and tax resources

American Institute of Certified Public Accounts (AICPA)

Center for Public Company Audit Firms

Financial Accounting Standards Boards

Internal Revenue Service

New Jersey Department of Treasury

New Jersey Division of Taxation

New Jersey Society of Certified Public Accountants

Private Companies Practice Section

Public Company Accounting Oversight Board


Reference Papers

"Deciding to Take Your Company Public?" by Stephen McSweeney

"5 Tips to Maximize the Value of Your Business" by Leonard Friedman

"An Alternative Approach of Testing a Business Valuation" by Leonard Friedman

"Options: Valuation, Taxability, and Divorce" by Leonard Friedman (American Journal of Family Law, Fall 2002)

"What Buyers Look for in a Business" by Leonard Friedman + Marsha Baldinger

"Business Valuation: Recasting the Financial Statements" by Leonard Friedman